Member Owners:

Antônio Freire Magalhães

Economist, Business Administrator and port consultant, he is a partner and consultant at Agência Porto Consultoria. He held the positions of Advisor to the Commercial and Development Director of CODESP (2003-2007); Director of Transport of the Municipality of Santo André; President and Chief Financial Officer of Companhia Santista de Transportes Coletivos; and professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Santos.

João Octávio de Azevedo Neto

Economist from UNICAMP and port consultant, he is a partner and consultant at Agência Porto Consultoria. He held the positions of Advisor to the Commercial and Development Director of CODESP (2004-2007); Director of Expenses of Ribeirão Pires; Advisor to the Santos Finance Department; and Advisor to the Board of Directors of Companhia Santista de Transportes Coletivos. At Agência Porto, he works with a focus on regulatory analysis and the study of economic and social impacts of port projects.


PIERDOMENICO, Fabrizio; NETO, João Octávio de Azevedo. O novo terminal de uso privado na logística do agronegócio. In: RIBEIRO, L. C.; FREITAS, R. V.; FEIGELSON, B. (orgs.). A nova regulação da infraestrutura e da mineração: portos, aeroportos, ferrovias e rodovias. Belo Horizonte: Ed. Fórum, 2014.

PIERDOMENICO, Fabrizio; NETO, João Octávio de Azevedo. O Novo Terminal de Uso Privado (TUP). In: PIRES, Jovelino de Gomes (org.). A logística no comércio exterior brasileiro. São Paulo: Aduaneiras, 2013.

Ivam Jardim Arienti

Technologist in Logistics and Transport from FATEC/BS (2009) and postgraduate in Port Management from Universidade Católica de Santos (2010), he is a partner and consultant at Agência Porto Consultoria and is part of the team coordinating Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Studies ( EVTEA) of port terminals, including for early extension, recomposition of the economic-financial balance of leasing contracts and/or exchange of area, Market Studies for Port Terminals, Advice on Bidding Processes, Valuation of Port Companies and others.

Maria Izabel dos Santos Magalhães

Economist graduated from the Catholic University of Santos (1988), with an in-company specialization in Business Management (MGN - Master Business Management - 2007), certified by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities - ANBIMA and by the Saint Paul Escola in the course of Valuation - Valuation of Companies, Mergers and Acquisitions and Shares (2020). She has extensive experience in the financial market, where she worked in large institutions in the sector, such as Banespa, Santander and Citibank. She worked in several activities in the middle and corporate segment, serving clients, negotiating interests, and coordinating teams, preparing credit opinions and analysis, balance analysis and payment capacity projections with the objective of approving and managing credit granted to clients. and potential customers. She also works in the elaboration of Compliance and its consequences. Throughout her career she has always been constantly learning, updating, and adapting to the constant changes in the market. At Agência Porto, she coordinates the work with clients in the Management of Regulatory and Contractual Obligations, in addition to monitoring the daily updates of the sector's regulations and providing support in market studies and preparation of EVTEAS.

Associate Consultants:

Economist graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2010), Master’s degree on Transport Systems in progress, also from UFSC, and consultant specializing in port planning. Served as Technical Leader at the Transport and Logistics Laboratory at UFSC (LabTrans / UFSC) (2010-2017)), focused on the development of several studies in the port area with emphasis on Master Plans and PDZs. She is part of the Agência Porto Consultoria team preparing market analysis, economic feasibility of projects, port space planning, performance analysis, among other topics involving port economy. Has already carried out work on the development of Master Plans for Brazilian Public Ports (2010 to 2017); Development of the PDZ of the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina (2014); Diagnostic development of Brazilian Private Terminals (2014-2016); Development of the Porto de Santana/AP PDZ (2015); Market study for the installation of terminals in the Rio Grande Port Complex (2017); Market study for the installation of a liquid bulk terminal in the state of Espírito Santo (2018); Market study for grains in the Port of Imbituba (2020); Market study for the installation of a port terminal in São Luís/MA (2021); Analysis of the liquid bulk market in the Itaqui Port Complex (2021), among others.

Thaiane Pinheiro Cabral, MSc.

Economist graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC (2014), Postgraduate Degree in Public Law from the Santa Catarina Higher Education Complex – CESUSC (2016) and Master’s in Transport Engineering and Territorial Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC (2018). She is currently a logistics and transport planning consultant. She has experience in the areas of economics, demand forecasting and transport planning, with an emphasis on market analysis and logistics, working mainly on the following topics: market research, demand forecasting, financial feasibility, and logistical simulations. She participated in several projects in the port logistics sector, such as: i) elaboration and updating of Master Plans for 34 seaports linked to the Ports Secretariat (2013-2018); ii) Diagnostic development of Private Use Terminals (TUPs) in Brazil (2014-2016); iii) preparation of Development and Zoning Plans (PDZ) for the Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina (2014), Porto de Vitória/ES (2015), Barra do Riacho/ES (2015) and Santana/AP (2015); iv) updating the indicators of the National Plan for Port Logistics – PNLP (2015-2016); v) preparation of a Business Plan for the ports of Vitória and Barra do Riacho/ES (2016) and Imbituba/SC (2017); vi) socioeconomic analysis for Economic and Environmental Technical Feasibility Studies (EVTEA) of federal highways with the DNIT (2019 and 2020); vii) feasibility studies for logistical instruments in southern Brazil, for example: dry ports (2020); viii) preparation of market and feasibility studies for the implementation or expansion of port terminals in all regions of Brazil (2020 to date).

Guest consultants:

Camila Mascarenhas Florentino

Environmental Engineer graduated from the Catholic University of Brasília – UCB (2010) and with a master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo – USP (in progress). She has professional experience in port environmental management, creation of models for environmental indicators, analysis and elaboration of Environmental Feasibility Studies, geoprocessing, and solid waste management programs. She works as an environmental consultant at Agência Porto, working on the elaboration of Port Environmental Feasibility Studies and Preliminary Environmental Feasibility Studies (EPVA) for Leases.

Celso Luiz da Silva

Engineer with extensive experience in Port Bidding Processes and in port terminal projects, he worked on preparing companies to participate in various bidding processes for port facilities in Brazil and on the preparation of projects and authorizations for the construction of private port terminals, piers and dolphins off the Brazilian coast.

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